Other Businesses

Other Businesses


Other Businesses

   .Subscription merchants

Merchant accounts for subscription businesses refer to accounts held by enterprises that offer subscription products or services. Subscription businesses typically include membership services, subscription boxes, subscription and save models, digital subscriptions, SaaS, or media and streaming subscriptions.

   .General entertainment category

For example, recent short dramas have gained popularity among overseas users due to their fast-paced storytelling.

   .Art category

For instance, handcrafted paintings, ceramics, and other handicrafts. Due to their high prices and limited availability, their value is primarily determined by subjective aesthetic judgments.

   .Treasures and antiques

For example, jewelry crafted from pearls, jade, and other gemstones, as well as antique collectibles. These items are typically expensive and rare, making their value difficult to determine.


The aforementioned businesses are often classified as high-risk because they are more prone to refunds. This occurs simply when customers revoke recent charges through their credit card banks, sometimes without even requesting a refund from the merchant. Despite having received the service or retained the goods, customers cancel the payment. Such refunds can also lead to increased fines on the merchant’s account.

To safeguard merchant accounts, it’s crucial to engage with payment processors specializing in high-risk handling and understanding the unique needs of such merchants. AutoWebPay is committed to collaborating with merchants to discuss tailored solutions and support, striving to facilitate access to a broad international market for all merchants.

To safeguard merchant accounts, it’s crucial to engage with payment processors specializing in high-risk handling and understanding the unique needs of such merchants.
AutoWebPay is committed to collaborating with merchants to discuss tailored solutions and support, striving to facilitate access to a broad international market for all merchants.

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